Content supported within SlideShare uploads

Article author
Keiana B.
  • Updated

When it comes to grabbing the SlideShare community’s attention with your uploads, you’ve got options! Lean into your creativity (along with our design principle tips), and you’re sure to develop content that will delight your viewers. That being said, you’ll also want to keep in mind what content is supported within uploads to be sure everything appears as it should.

This article provides information on the content that can exist within a SlideShare upload. If you’re looking for information on what can be uploaded, please see our article on uploading content to Slideshare.

Supported Content


While image files cannot be uploaded directly to SlideShare, they can absolutely be placed inside of a presentation that you plan to upload.

Unsupported Content


SlideShare does not currently support hyperlinks within uploaded content.

YouTube videos

At this time, it is not possible to embed YouTube videos within an upload. Any pre-existing embedded videos have been updated to instead display a URL that redirects viewers to visit the video content directly on YouTube.

If you have any additional questions about the content supported in uploads, please let SlideShare Support know – our team is always happy to help!

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