Everand's library is enormous! If using our general search feature didn't quite find the exact content you're looking for, our advanced search features give you a bit more control of your search results.
Generally speaking, our search works by trying to find your exact terms within our library, which includes audiobooks, books, documents, and more. If not all terms can be found within a document, then you will see results that match as many terms as possible. Using our search modifiers will enable you to be much more specific. Currently, these include:
- A minus (-) modifier to indicate a strong negative preference for a term.
- Phrases in double quotes (" ") to search for a sequence of terms.
Basic query
In cases where you want to find content on Everand that must include a specific term, simply include the terms that you'd like to be mandatory. For example, suppose you’re interested in learning how to play piano. You might very well start with a search term like “piano”. You’ll see, however, that many of the results include music for players with varying experience. You can include a second search term (such as “beginner”) which means that the word “beginner” should figure prominently in the results you see. So, now your search is: piano beginner
This should help you find content that relates more closely to your interests.
Minus (-)
Continuing with the previous example, suppose you have learned all the music in the book "The Easyway to Play Piano" by Joe Procopio. If you want to exclude this document from your future searches, you can use the minus sign directly preceding a search term. Make sure to pick a word that’s indicative and a bit unique to the excluded document, such as “easyway” from the title or “procopio” from the author’s name. Your resulting search query would look like this: piano beginner -easyway
Tip: The minus sign is particularly useful for when you have too many results.
We should add that care must be taken when using minus modifiers. For example, it wouldn't be helpful to pick a common word like "the" because an overwhelming majority of our library contains that word. If you included "-the" in your search terms, almost everything in the Everand library would be excluded from your results!
Phrases (" ")
You can search for exact phrases by enclosing words with double quotes. The results will contain documents that have passages that closely match a phrase’s word sequence. For example, suppose you want to find the Charles Dickens book with the famous opening, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” If you search this same phrase without enclosing it in double quotes, you’ll receive hundreds of thousands of results that contain any combination of those individual words. When you search this phrase in quotes, the results immediately return the source of this quote — A Tale of Two Cities — alongside content that intentionally makes reference to this memorable phrase.
You can use the minus (-) modifier with phrases too!