Payment methods

Article author
Autumn E.
  • Updated

We know you can't wait to join and start reading your way through our collection. We can't wait either! Your subscription gives you access to read across all three of our Scribd, Inc. products: Everand, Scribd, and SlideShare.

What payment methods can I use?

If you're signing up online through one of our websites, we currently accept subscriptions using a Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express card. Users on the Chrome browser can opt for Google Pay. We also accept PayPal in most countries! 

Want to read on your iPhone? You can manage your subscription via the App Store, or pay by card.

Our Android users will find the option to subscribe through Google Play or connect a Google Pay account, as well as the classic options of card or PayPal.

Your subscription will be billed by Scribd, Inc. and unlocks access to all three of our products: Everand, Scribd, and SlideShare.

We do not accept pre-paid or non-reloadable cards at this time.

Is my payment information secure?

When you enter or update your payment information to subscribe, your data is transmitted securely over SSL encryption. Whether you pay by credit card, direct carrier billing, or via the App Store, your information is secured and encrypted to protect your information. 

We do not store any of your credit card details directly on servers managed by Scribd, Inc. Your payment information is only ever stored by PayPal, or by Stripe, Adyen, Braintree, Boku, EBANX, or CyberSource - our credit card processing services. (Subscriptions processed through Google Play or the App Store are managed by their respective companies.) We know your information is valuable and requires the utmost care. Rest assured, our connections to these payment processors are secured and encrypted to protect your data when you choose to make a purchase with us.

Can I add a backup payment method?

Yes! Users on our websites can choose to add backup payment methods to their account. Within your account page you can manage your payment information, including: 

  • add new payment methods 
  • remove outdated payment methods 
  • designate your preferred payment method 

Including a backup payment method helps to ensure that, should there be an issue processing your renewal with your primary payment, your subscription will continue uninterrupted. It also allows you greater control over your subscription, by allowing you to change preferred payment methods to fit your needs.

If you have any questions, concerns, or troubles with completing a purchase with Scribd, Inc., please contact our support team for assistance.

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