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Writing a review on the Everand app
If you want to leave a review of a title from the Everand app, all you need to do is click on the book cover to bring up the book’s “about” page, then scroll down, past the description. Here you'll see the option to rate the book on a scale of 1 to 5 stars or write a review. After writing your review, just click “Post” to share your thoughts with our community.
Writing a review on Everand's website
If you're using Everand’s website, you can also leave a review on the "About Book" or "About Audiobook" page for a specific title. You'll find a Reviews section when you scroll down on that page. Simply write your review and optionally rate the book from 1 to 5 stars. Once done, make sure you select ”Post Review” to contribute your rating.
Please remember that you’ll need to be signed into your account in order to leave any reviews and notes.
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