Frequently Asked Questions: Scribd + Everand (November 2023)

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  • Updated

November 1, 2023

We’ve separated our content into two products to make it easier to find what you want most. Below you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have about the introduction of Everand. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Contact us.

I am a Scribd subscriber. Does the introduction of Everand change anything about my current subscription? 

  • You will continue to be billed the same price you currently pay by Scribd, Inc. This subscription will provide access to all three of our products: Everand™, Scribd®, and SlideShare®. Please continue to use your existing Scribd login to enjoy our content offerings across our three products: Everand, Scribd, and SlideShare.
  • If you are looking for community-uploaded documents, you will continue to find those documents on Scribd. 
  • If you are looking for an ebook, audiobook or podcast, you will find that content on Everand. With the introduction of Everand, you also will notice a new name, logo, and general new look and feel to the site and app. 
  • You’ll be able to move seamlessly across Everand, Scribd, and SlideShare to find the content you are looking for. 

I heard Scribd launched a new app, but I still see the Scribd app on my phone. How do I access your new app? 

Please manually update your app via the iOS App Store or Google Play store on your device. This will replace your existing Scribd app with our updated app, Everand. This will be the destination for your ebooks, audiobooks and podcasts. Please use the same email address and password you used to sign up for Scribd in order to log into the Everand app. If you would like to access any saved documents, please download the new Scribd app via the iOS App Store or Google Play store, or visit 

Why am I still being billed by Scribd, Inc. if I am now only using Everand? 

You will see Scribd, Inc. in your billing records because Scribd, Inc. is the company that oversees Everand. Scribd, Inc. is the merchant of record for your subscription, so when you subscribe to our products, you will be billed by Scribd, Inc. This single subscription unlocks access to the content across all three of our platforms: Scribd, Everand, and SlideShare. 

I am a subscriber. What content can I access?

Your annual or monthly subscription offers you access to the following content across Scribd, SlideShare and Everand: 

  • Everand: access to read and listen to ebooks, audiobooks and podcasts
  • Scribd: access to download community-uploaded documents, such as academic papers, legal documents, and manuals with no ads
  • SlideShare: access to download presentations and professional content with no ads

Does my current subscription to Scribd now include Everand? 

Yes, if you are a subscriber to Scribd your existing subscription provides you access to all three of our products: Everand, Scribd, and SlideShare.

Do I need to cancel my subscription on Scribd and sign up again on Everand to access my ebooks and audiobooks? 

No, you do not need to cancel your current subscription. This subscription already provides you access to all three of our products: Everand™, Scribd®, and SlideShare®. Please continue to use your existing Scribd username and password connected to your subscription to enjoy our content offerings across our three products: Everand, Scribd, and SlideShare.

What is Everand?

Everand™ is your new home for stories and knowledge. A monthly subscription lets you explore ebooks, audiobooks, and more. Read where and how you want — across devices and even offline.

Visit the Everand website or learn more about installing the app.

Why are you creating a new app?

We are proud to be one of the world’s largest digital libraries with material ranging from documents and community-uploaded content to ebooks and audiobooks from publishers, and more. This volume and variety has allowed us to offer something to everyone — but creates confusion for those who are primarily searching for documents and research versus those primarily interested in finding ebooks and audiobooks. We’ve listened and will be separating our content and creating a new product, Everand, to make it easier for you to find what you want most. 

Are you still supporting documents and presentations on your platforms?

Documents and presentations will continue to be found on and be shareable to Scribd and SlideShare. We maintain that these content types are a big bet for the future and will continue to invest in our document and presentation creators across our entire product suite.

What is Scribd?

Scribd is a digital document library, with over 170 million community-uploaded documents and counting. Find and upload content on every topic and niche, from academic papers and legal documents, to DIY hobbies, manuals, and more. To share a document to Scribd, you must be the copyright holder to or have the permission of the document’s copyright holder. Read more on that in our Copyright FAQs.

Why was my Scribd app replaced with Everand?

We have evolved our products to house distinct content types, ebooks and audiobooks or documents and professional content. Your app has updated automatically to reflect this change in our products. The updated app called Everand, is your new home for the ebooks, audiobooks and more that you’ve come to know and love with your existing Scribd subscription. Documents can still be discovered and uploaded to Scribd, but you’ll need to download the new Scribd app on iOS or Android. Please continue to use your existing Scribd login and password to enjoy our robust content offerings across both Scribd and Everand products.

Can I still find ebooks, audiobooks and podcasts on Scribd?

Although you may see recommendations for ebooks and audiobooks on Scribd, you will only be able to consume them on the Everand app or You will still be able to find and read documents like academic papers, legal documents, manuals, and more on Scribd. 

How do I log into Scribd and Everand on my mobile device?

  1. You will need to have either app downloaded. You can download both Scribd and Everand’s apps from the App Store and Play Store.
  2. If you already have a Scribd subscription, you will be able to access both apps with the same email address and password you used to sign up for Scribd.

Remember that your Scribd subscription provides you access to all Scribd, Inc. products, including Everand, Scribd, and SlideShare.

How do I log into Scribd and Everand on my desktop? 

  1. You will need to navigate to or
  2. If you have a Scribd subscription, you might be logged in automatically. If you are not logged in automatically, you can log in on both Scribd and Everand, with your Scribd email address and password.
  3. If you don’t have a subscription, you will need to create an account and purchase a subscription to access premium content.

Remember that your Scribd subscription provides you access to all Scribd, Inc. products including Everand, Scribd, and SlideShare.

Are there restrictions to how many books I will be able to read with an Everand subscription?

For certain ebooks and audiobooks, there are monthly limits. One benefit of our diverse library is that we will always have something you can read in the meantime. Your subscription will also unlock access to a selection of original titles published by Everand, and unlimited podcasts. 

I thought that as a subscriber I had unlimited access to content on Scribd. Does the introduction of Everand mean that my content will be more limited?

Certain ebook and audiobook content on our platforms has always had monthly limits. The introduction of Everand as the new home for this content does not change these limitations. 

With the introduction of Everand, where will I find ebooks and audiobooks?

You will find your ebooks and audiobooks on Everand

Will I still be able to access documents on Scribd?

Yes, all documents can and will still be found on Scribd

Will I still be able to access SlideShare content?

Yes, all presentations can and will still be found on SlideShare

Now that Everand is the home for my ebooks, will I see both my documents and my ebooks in my saved items?

You will be able to see both documents and ebooks listed in your saved items. If you would like to access documents from your saved items from the Everand app, you can click on any document and will be directed to the  Scribd App. If you would like to access ebooks and audiobooks from Scribd, you can click on any title and you will be directed to Everand.

Why can I no longer see or create reading lists with both documents and ebooks? 

Our platforms now offer distinct content offerings, and the contents of lists reflect this evolution.

On Everand, you can find or create lists with ebooks, audiobooks and podcasts. Your Everand app preserved any previously created lists with ebooks, audiobooks and podcasts, but removed any community-uploaded documents from those lists.

On the new Scribd app, you can find or create lists with community-uploaded documents. You can also find any previously created lists that only included community-uploaded document content.

How can I access my previously downloaded documents on the Everand app?

Previously downloaded documents will no longer be downloaded in the Everand app, however, you will still be able to view a preview of them in your saved items. If you would like to access documents from your saved items, you will need to download the Scribd app and navigate to Scribd. Please log into the new Scribd app with your existing login details. Once logged in, you must re-download your saved documents to your device to read offline, as this will be a new app. If you previously downloaded ebooks, audiobooks or podcasts, you can still find them in your Everand saved items, but will need to re-download them to your device to read offline.

Will my past history, like reading progress for saved documents and ebooks, be preserved?

Your reading history will be preserved. Please visit Everand for ebooks and audiobooks history and Scribd for documents history.

Where can I find the documents I uploaded?

Please visit your documents upload page on to view your uploaded documents.

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