Ads on Scribd

Article author
Autumn E.
  • Updated

Including ads on Scribd allows us to provide even more access to our library for all users, not just those who maintain a subscription.

Users with a paid subscription should not be seeing ads. If you are a subscriber and are seeing ads displayed, confirm that you are signed in to the correct account. If you continue to see ads displayed, please contact our Support team.

Deactivating ad-blockers on Scribd

If you use ad-blocker software, to continue accessing content without a paid subscription, you will need to click “Continue to Scribd”. You can also choose to deactivate any ad-blockers you have installed on your web browser by “allowlisting” or “whitelisting” the Scribd website. Below you will find allowlisting instructions on a few of the most commonly used ad-blockers.

AdBlock Plus

  1. Click on the AdBlock Plus icon in your browser’s extension bar
  2. Click on the large blue toggle
  3. Refresh the webpage


  1. Click the AdBlock icon in your browser’s extension bar
  2. Under “Pause this site” click “Always”

uBlock and uBlock Origin

  1. Click on the uBlock/uBlock Origin icon in your browser’s extension bar
  2. Click on the Blue power button
  3. Refresh the webpage


  1. Click on the orange lion icon to the right of your browser’s address bar
  2. Click the toggle on the top right, shifting from “Up” to “Down”


  1. Click on the Ghostery icon in your browser’s extension bar
  2. Click on the “Anti-Tracking” shield icon so it says “Off”
  3. Click on the “Ad-Blocking” stop sign so it says “Off”
  4. Refresh the webpage

If you do not see your specific ad-blocker listed above, please visit their website for specific instructions, or feel free to contact our Support team.

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