Improving recommendations through feedback

Article author
Autumn E.
  • Updated

One of the best things about exploring a library is finding new titles that you didn’t know about yet! As you read and explore on Everand, we’ll learn more about the topics and authors that interest you and suggest new titles we think you’ll love. Saving titles, marking them as read, and rating the titles you read will all help us make the titles that we suggest to you more relevant. You can also provide feedback on suggested titles to directly improve your recommendations!

At this time, the feedback feature is only available when using the Everand app.

What feedback can I give?

There are currently three options to choose from when you provide instant feedback:

  • Suggest more: Use this option when the recommendation is really great and you would like to see more similar suggestions.
  • Not interested: Use this option when the recommendation has missed the mark and you do not want this title offered to you.
  • Mark as finished: Use this option when we have recommended something you have already read elsewhere.

How do I provide feedback on recommended titles?

On your home page, as well as the landing pages for the different content types, you will see carousels of recommendations. These are titles that we think may interest you — but you know best! To provide feedback on a recommendation:

  1. Long press the cover of the title that you want to influence. (A long press involves holding your finger down for longer than you would to simply open the title.)
  2. A menu will pop-up with three options: suggest more, not interested, or mark as finished.
  3. Select the option that applies by tapping on it, and your feedback is saved!

Please keep in mind that this feedback feature is currently only accessible for titles that are recommended to you in suggested titles carousels. Titles that have been added to your saved list can be marked as finished at any time. Happy reading!

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